Galater 6:18
Die Gnade unsers HERRN Jesu Christi sei mit eurem Geist, liebe Brüder! Amen.
Biblische Schatzkammer

the grace.

Roemer 16:20,24
Aber der Gott des Friedens zertrete den Satan unter eure Füße in kurzem. Die Gnade unsers HERRN Jesu Christi sei mit euch! …

2.Korinther 13:14
- Die Gnade unsers HERRN Jesu Christi und die Liebe Gottes und die Gemeinschaft des heiligen Geistes sei mit euch allen! Amen.

2.Timotheus 4:22
Der HERR Jesus Christus sei mit deinem Geiste! Die Gnade sei mit euch! Amen.

Philemon 1:25
Die Gnade unsers HERRN Jesu Christi sei mit eurem Geist! Amen.

Offenbarung 22:21
Die Gnade unsers HERRN Jesu Christi sei mit euch allen! Amen.

Galater 1:6
Mich wundert, daß ihr euch so bald abwenden lasset von dem, der euch berufen hat in die Gnade Christi, zu einem anderen Evangelium,


Galater 4:13
Denn ihr wisset, daß ich euch in Schwachheit nach dem Fleisch das Evangelium gepredigt habe zum erstenmal.

;) who visited the churches at least twice in that country, (Ac.


18:23.) It is evident that this epistle was written soon after their reception of the gospel, as he complains of their speedy apostasy from his doctrine, (ch. i.

6;) and as there is no notice of his second journey into that country, it has been supposed, with much probability, that it was written soon after his first, and consequently about

A.D.52 or

53. It appears that soon after the Apostle had left them, some Judaizing teachers intruded themselves into the churches; drawing them off from the true gospel, to depend on ceremonial observances, and to the vain endeavour of 'establishing their own righteousness.' It was in order to oppose this false gospel that Paul addressed the Galatians, and after saluting the churches of Galatia, and establishing his apostolic commission against the attacks of the false teachers, he reproves them for departing from that gospel which he had preached to them, and confirmed by the gift of the Holy Ghost;--proves that justification is by faith alone, and not by the deeds of the law, from the example of Abraham, the testimony of Scripture, the curse of the law, the redemption of Christ, and the Abrahamic covenant, which the law could not disannul;--shows the use of the law in connection with the covenant of grace; concludes that all believers are delivered from the law, and made the spiritual seed of Abraham by faith in Christ; illustrates his inference by God's treatment of the Jewish church, which he put under the law, as a father puts a minor under a guardian; shows the weakness and folly of the Galatians in subjecting themselves to the law, and that by submitting themselves to circumcision they become subject to the whole law, and would forfeit the benefits of the covenant of grace; gives them various instructions and exhortations for their Christian conduct, and particularly concerning the right use of their Christian freedom; and concludes with a brief summary of the topics discussed, and by commending them to the grace of Christ.

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Lutherbibel 1912
Galater 6:17