Philemon 1:25
Die Gnade unsers HERRN Jesu Christi sei mit eurem Geist! Amen.
Biblische Schatzkammer


Roemer 16:20,24
Aber der Gott des Friedens zertrete den Satan unter eure Füße in kurzem. Die Gnade unsers HERRN Jesu Christi sei mit euch! …

your spirit.

2.Timotheus 4:22
Der HERR Jesus Christus sei mit deinem Geiste! Die Gnade sei mit euch! Amen.

Philemon 1:1
Paulus, der Gebundene Christi Jesu, und Timotheus, der Bruder, Philemon, dem Lieben und unserm Gehilfen,



Kolosser 4:9,17
samt Onesimus, dem getreuen und lieben Bruder, welcher von den euren ist. Alles, wie es hier steht, werden sie euch kundtun.…

) who had been converted by the ministry of Paul, (ver.

19,) probably during his abode at Ephesus, (Ac.

19:10) Onesimus, a slave of Philemon, having, as it is generally thought, been guilty of some dishonesty, fled from his master, and came to Rome, where the apostle was at that time under confinement the first time, as appears by his expectation of being shortly released, (ver.

22,) about A. D.

62. Having by some means attended the preaching of the apostle, 'in his own hired house,' (Ac.

28:16,23) it pleased God to bless it to his conversion. After he had given satisfactory evidence of a real change, and manifested an excellent and amiable disposition, which greatly endeared him to Paul, he was sent back to his master by the apostle, who wrote this epistle to reconcile Philemon to his once unfaithful servant.

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Lutherbibel 1912
Philemon 1:24