1.Mose 41:2
und sähe aus dem Wasser steigen sieben schöne, fette Kühe; die gingen auf der Weide im Grase.
Biblische Schatzkammer

there came.

1.Mose 41:17-27
Pharao sprach zu Joseph: Mir träumte ich stand am Ufer bei dem Wasser…

a meadow.

Hiob 8:11
Kann auch ein Rohr aufwachsen, wo es nicht feucht steht? oder Schilf wachsen ohne Wasser?

); so called, according to Mr. Parkhurst, from its fitness for making ropes, or the like, to connect or join things together, from {achah,} to join, connect: thus the Latin {juncus,} a bulrush, a {jungendo,} from joining, for the same reason. He supposes it to be that sort of reed growing near the Nile which Hasselquist describes as having scarce any branches, but numerous leaves, which are narrow, smooth, channelled on the upper surface, and the plant about eleven feet high. The Egyptians make ropes of the leaves.

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Lutherbibel 1912
1.Mose 41:1