4.Mose 4:36
Und die Summe war zweitausend siebenhundertfünfzig.
Biblische Schatzkammer

22,300; of whom

8580 were fit for service and

13,720 unfit, being either too old or too young. What an astonishing number of men, all performing some service by which God was glorified, and the congregation at large benefited!

4.Mose 4:36 Interlinear4.Mose 4:36 MehrsprachigNúmeros 4:36 SpanischNombres 4:36 Französisch4 Mose 4:36 Deutsch4.Mose 4:36 ChinesischNumbers 4:36 EnglischBible AppsBible Hub

Lutherbibel 1912
4.Mose 4:35