3.Mose 18:6
Niemand soll sich zu seiner nächsten Blutsfreundin tun, ihre Blöße aufzudecken; denn ich bin der HERR.
Biblische Schatzkammer

1. As human nature now is, it is very expedient that those who are so much together in youth, should, by such a restriction be taught to look upon all such intercourse as prohibited and incestuous; for unless such restrictions are made, it would be impossible to prevent the prevalence of very early corruption among young persons. (See Michaelis on the laws of Moses, Art.


2. That the duties owing by nature to relatives might not be confounded with those of a social or political kind; for could a man be a brother and a husband, or a son and a husband at the same time, and fulfil the duties of both? Impossible.

3. That by intermarrying with other families, relationship and its endearments might be diffused. These prohibitions are, therefore to be considered so eminently moral obligations as to be observed by all mankind

to uncover

3.Mose 18:7-19
Du sollst deines Vaters und deiner Mutter Blöße nicht aufdecken; es ist deine Mutter, darum sollst du ihre Blöße nicht aufdecken. …

3.Mose 20:11,12,17-21
Wenn jemand bei seines Vaters Weibe schläft, daß er seines Vater Blöße aufgedeckt hat, die sollen beide des Todes sterben; ihr Blut sei auf ihnen.…

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Lutherbibel 1912
3.Mose 18:5