Von dem halben Stamm Manasse zwei Städte: Thaanach und seine Vorstädte, Gath-Rimmon und seine Vorstädte, Biblische Schatzkammer 1 Chronicles 6:70.) Either the cities had at this time different names, or afterwards their names were changed; or the Levites, being by some means dispossessed of the cities first assigned them, received others from their brethren. A careful examination of the marginal references will discover other variations of this kind, which may be accounted for in the same manner. Tanach Josua 17:11 Richter 5:19 Links Josua 21:25 Interlinear • Josua 21:25 Mehrsprachig • Josué 21:25 Spanisch • Josué 21:25 Französisch • Josua 21:25 Deutsch • Josua 21:25 Chinesisch • Joshua 21:25 Englisch • Bible Apps • Bible HubLutherbibel 1912 |