2.Mose 8:16
8:12 Und der HERR sprach zu Mose: Sage Aaron: Recke deinen Stab aus und schlage in den Staub auf der Erde, daß Stechmücken werden in ganz Ägyptenland.
Biblische Schatzkammer


2.Mose 8:5,17
8:1 Und der HERR sprach zu Mose: Sage Aaron: Recke deine Hand aus mit deinem Stabe über die Bäche und Ströme und Seen und laß Frösche über Ägyptenland kommen.…


1. they sprang from the dust, and not from the waters;

2. they were on both man and beast, which cannot be said of gnats;

3. their name is derived from koon, to make firm, fix, establish, which cannot agree with gnats, flies, which are ever changing place, and almost constantly on the wing;

4. the term kinnah is used by the Talmudists to express the louse. This insect must have been a very dreadful and afflicting plague to the Egyptians, and especially to the priests, who were obliged to shave all their hair off, and to wear a single linen tunic, to prevent vermin harbouring about them.

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Lutherbibel 1912
2.Mose 8:15